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Ficus Bonsai Potted -35 CM


Ficus Bonsai. 35 cm Total Height 

This Bonsai is a superb Indoor/outdoor plant that is much liked for its superb root trunk and its very decorative plant. 

BOP 2001

Ficus Bonsai. 50 cm Total Height 

This Bonsai is a superb Indoor/outdoor plant that is much liked for its superb root trunk and its very decorative plant. 

How To Care

Light: Keep the tree where it gets plenty of light and within one meter of a window. It loves having good light but not direct sunlight.

Water: Water the ficus only when the surface of the soil is really dry. ensuring the soil is moist, but not soaking wet.

Fertilizer: Feed with bonsai fertilizer, or balanced 10:10:10 general-purpose fertilizer.

Temperature: Ficus appreciates the warmth that is customary indoors in apartments and houses, ideally from 15 to 25°C and the minimum can go down to as much as 5°C.

Potting: re-potting is best done in Spring and fall or autumn, most deciduous trees require repotting every two or three years.

Pruning: Pruning the Ficus regularly will lead it to branch out more. Trimming and pinching keep your tree miniature.

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